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IRCA ISO 9001 QMS Lead Auditor Courses

Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000.

Vegie Garden Wednesday Workshops

At 1:00 pm
Bentley Campus, Perth, WA

The Ecosystem Within Us

At 7:00 am
Bentley Campus, Perth, WA

Science In The New Era

At 8:00 am
Bentley Campus, Perth, WA

How To Sell Anything

At 9:30 am
Bentley Campus, Perth, WA

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AC technician Rawalpindi

The AC Technician Training Course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to individuals aspiring to become proficient air conditioning technicians. The course covers the essential concepts, techniques, and technologies used in the installation, maintenance, and repair of various types of air conditioning systems. Through a combination of theoretical instruction and hands-on training, […]

hybrid car Technology in Islamabad

In the fast-evolving landscape of automotive technology, one concept has taken center stage – Hybrid Car Technology. As the world shifts towards sustainable solutions, the demand for professionals with expertise in hybrid vehicles has skyrocketed. In response to this growing need, educational institutions are now offering specialized courses in Hybrid Car Technology, providing individuals with […]